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Hajj: execution order

Hajj: execution order

Hajj can be divided into several stages, the duration of which is 13 days. There are several stages, divided by days. To begin with, it should be noted the main actions that a Muslim must perform on certain days of the Hajj. The first reference point is the interval from the first to the eighth number of Zul-Hijji. Here the following is required of the pilgrim:
  • To carry out the attire in Ihram on the way to Mecca;
  • Stay in a hotel located within the city limits;
  • Visit the Al-Haram Mosque.
Separately about visiting the mosque. It is necessary to enter it only with the right foot, while reading the Dua. This is followed by a circumambulation of the Kaaba, you need to make 7 circles together with the reading of the prayer. This is followed by a jog between Safa and Marva (also 7 times), it is necessary to drink a Deputy. After the mosque, it is mandatory to have a haircut in the nearest salon and read the obligatory prayer together with the Jamaat. The end of the stage is considered to be the return to the hotel, removal of the ihram and mandatory dressing up. Then there are mandatory actions for the 8th day of Zul-Hija. As soon as the sun has risen, it is necessary to put on the ihram again and go to the Mina Valley. Throughout the day, the pilgrim is expected to pray in the Jamaat in Mina. The 9th day also carries a mandatory list of actions:
  • Morning prayer and departure to Mount Arafat;
  • Lunch prayers held at Namir Mosque;
  • Reciting prayers, dhikras and asking for forgiveness;
  • Evening prayer and the way to Muzdalifa.
Shubhasiz, Zul-Hijining 10 raqami ziyoratchi tomonidan bir qator majburiyatlarni o'z zimmasiga oladi. Ertalabki namoz birinchi navbatda o'tkaziladi, keyin esa minaga yuboriladi. Jamarat Al-Aqabaga yetti tosh tashlash kerak. Buning ortidan ziyoratchining o'zi yoki oldindan ishonib topshirilgan shaxs tomonidan qurbonlik qilinadi. Keyinchalik, yana sochingizni kesib, chodirlarda boshqa kiyimlarga o'ralgan holda ichramni olib tashlashingiz kerak. Oxirida musulmon Al-Haramga yo'l topadi, u erda tavof va sayni bajarish kerak. Oxirgi kunlar (Zul-Hijining 11-13 kunlari) minimal miqdordagi harakatlarni anglatadi, ya'ni:
  • Tushlik namozini o'tkazing;
  • 3 Ta Jamoatga Tashrif Buyuring;
  • Ketishdan oldin darhol tavaf Al-vadani bajaring.
Haj shu yerda tugaydi. Turli xil marosimlarning ko'pligiga qaramay, chalkashib ketishning iloji yo'q. Hamma narsa ketma-ket, o'z navbatida.

Hajning birinchi kuni qanday o'tadi

The beginning of the Hajj is considered to be the 8th day of Zul-Hijji, which has the name "Tarviya Day". It all starts with the sunrise, when the pilgrim needs to enter the state of ihram. To do this, he takes a shower, lights incense and performs prayer. After that, it means dressing in ihram, in a place of temporary residence. If the Hajj Kiran and Ifrad are performed, then entry into the state of ihram is not required, since the pilgrim is constantly in it. Stop in the Mina Valley for the first day Next, you need to go to the Mina Valley, and before the time of noon prayer. It is in Mina that it is necessary to perform the prayer of zuhr, asr, Maghrib and isha. It is important to note that four-raqaat prayers are replaced by up to 2. Pilgrims will spend the night in Mina, and at sunrise, after morning prayer, it is necessary to go to Mount Arafat.

Hajning ikkinchi kunida nima qilish kerak

Keyingi bosqich-Arafa kuni. U Zul Hijining 9-kunidan, ertalabki namozdan keyin boshlanadi. Ziyoratchilar quyosh chiqishini kutishlari va Arafat tog'iga borishlari kerak. Hech qanday shov-shuv bo'lmasligi kerak, zikr qilish yoki Qur'onni o'qish orqali hamma narsani xotirjam qilish kerak. Standing on Arafat The obligatory pillar of the Hajj is standing on Arafat, if it is ignored, then the Hajj will be considered invalid. Moreover, you need to stand from dawn to order, as they say in the holy Scriptures. It is best if the pilgrim stops near the Namir Mosque before the lunchtime prayer. In the process of zuhr, one azan and a couple of ikamats should be read. Next comes the reading of the khutba sermon from the imam, giving the pilgrims instructions and performing the prayers of zuhr and asr, combining them and reducing each to a couple of raqaats. It is important to keep in mind a few key nuances. The first is not to leave the territory of Mount Arafat until sunset. Secondly, while staying in the Namir Mosque, it is necessary to carefully look at the signs inside, since the eastern side goes beyond the borders of Mount Arafat.

Key mistakes made by pilgrims on "Arafat Day"

Given the high level of importance of this day, making even a minor mistake can lead to the Hajj being invalid. Therefore, here are a few nuances that you should pay close attention to:
  • Any departure outside of Arafat before sunset is a violation of the Hajj, because of which it can be considered invalid, even if the pilgrim went to the valley of Muzdalifa.
  • In no case should you create a commotion, there should be no rush and crush during the ascent to Mount Arafat, only grace and tranquility will help to perform the Hajj.
  • The most important mistake is the wrong direction of the face during du'a, it is impossible to direct the gaze towards the mountain.

Following to the valley of Muzdalifa

After the end of the "Day of Arafat" comes the next stage – a pilgrimage to the valley of Muzdalifa. Already on the spot, it is necessary to immediately perform the Maghrib and isha prayers, combining them and reducing them. This is followed by an overnight stop in Muzdalifa. One should often recite talbiyah, and remember Allah in gratitude.
  • It is important to first hold prayers, and only then start collecting pebbles;
  • It is not necessary to keep in mind the beliefs that only stones from Muzdalif are suitable for Jamaat;
  • It is not recommended to wash the collected stones, since there is no evidence that the prophet performed these actions.
After spending the night in Muzdalifa, the pilgrims will have a morning prayer – sunnah. Women, children and weakened people can not wait for the morning, and after midnight go to the tents in the Mine.

What should be done on the third day of the Hajj

The onset of the 10th of Dhul-Hijji marks the beginning of the third day of Hajj. The pilgrim needs to stay in the valley after the morning prayer, staying at Mount Al-Mashar al-Haram." It is necessary to direct the gaze towards the Qibla, remembering Allah. You should go to the Mina Valley before sunrise, where along the way small seven pebbles are assembled (each size is no larger than a phalanx). They will be needed further in order to throw them into the Jamarat al-Aqaba. This is how a pilgrim should keep his way to the valley, saying Talbiyah in the process and remembering Allah. But the pebbles for the following days must be collected in the Mina Valley.

Arrival in Mina Valley

As soon as the pilgrims reach the valley, they must immediately hurry to Jamarat al-Aqaba, which is located near Mecca. It is necessary to stop talbia when approaching the goal, and then throw seven pebbles into the wall. It is important not to throw everything at once, but one at a time, because it is not the number of hit stones that counts, but the number of throws. It is best to mark each throw with the exaltation of Allah, it is enough to say "Allahu Akbar". After the last stone thrown into the Jamarat al-aqaba, it is necessary to exalt the Almighty with the following words: “Allahu akbar Allahu akbar Allahu akbar La ilahu illallah Allahu akbar Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd.” The next stage is the sacrifice. One of three animals can be sacrificed: a ram, a cow, a camel. The meat of the sacrificial animal is eaten and distributed to the poor. At the moment, it is not necessary to carry out the sacrifice yourself, you can transfer this action into the hands of a special enterprise capable of performing the sacred action independently. The sacrifice falls on the first day of the celebration of Sayyid al-Adha. On this day, Muslims, wherever they are, participate in the celebration with joy and reverence through sacrifice, thanks to which they approach Allah.

The need to shave or shorten your hair

On the 10th day of Zul-hijji, when the sacred act of throwing stones is behind, the pilgrim will need to get a haircut. You can shave your head or shorten your hair a little. For men, the former is preferable, but women can only get a little haircut. It is important that the length of the severed hair is at least one phalanx. After shaving, it is necessary to remove two white cloths from the body, that is, remove the ihram from yourself, and put on everyday clothes. It is at this moment that a partial exit from the state of ihram occurs. Therefore, a Muslim is allowed almost all everyday things, not counting intimacy with his wife. You can change clothes first, and only after you get a haircut, but the first suggested procedure remains preferable.

What mistakes can be made on the 10th day of Zul-Hijjah

Basically, all the errors relate specifically to the process of throwing pebbles, since there are no problems with the rest of the rituals. For some reason, there is an opinion that the process of throwing stones implies the persecution of the devils, respectively, the whole action is accompanied by constant curses and swearing. But this is not so, the throwing of pebbles is carried out exclusively in the name of Allah. Many people like to throw off their things in a hurry and run as fast as possible to fulfill their sacred duty. However, such actions cause additional problems for other pilgrims. It is important to remain calm and measured, because only in this case you can wait for grace. A common mistake is also the use of too large pebbles or other objects. Some believe that the dimensions of things demonstrate a great love for Allah, but in fact it is nothing but excess in religion, which is forbidden by the prophet. During the Hajj, peacefulness and tranquility are valued.

The next important pillar of Hajj

If Tawaf al-ifad is not carried out, then the Hajj will be considered incomplete. It is for this reason that it is important not to miss this step. After throwing stones, on the morning of the holiday, you need to go to Mecca. It is there that the seven circles of Tawaf are performed. Actions directly depend on what kind of Hajj is performed. For Tamatta, it is also necessary to make 7 sa'y times. If we are talking about Ifrad or Kiran, then it is not necessary to perform Tawaf immediately after arriving in Mecca, you can perform the rite on your return from Mina, on the fourth day of Eid. After the Tawaf, on the day of the feast in honor of the sacrifice, the pilgrim is allowed absolutely everything that was forbidden in the state of ihram. Moreover, even intimacy with his wife is allowed.

What is held on days 11-13 of Zul-Hijjah

These days are referred to as the "days of Tashrik", their beginning is marked by the moment of the entry of the night on the 11th of Zul-Hijji, and the end means the 13th day. It turns out that the days of Tashrik are also 4-6 days of Hajj or 2-4 days of Kurban Ait. What does every Muslim who goes through Hajj have to do these days? In fact, the actions these days are as simple as possible. After passing the pillar of Tawaf al-Ifad, namely on the day dedicated to the sacrifice, the pilgrim must return to Mina. Mina will become a place of overnight accommodation for a Muslim during the three days of Tashrik. You can stay not for three days overnight, but only stay there for two nights – this is in cases if the pilgrim is in a hurry. There is a special routine for the days of Tashrik, which every Muslim must follow during the Hajj. The days pass as follows:
  • The morning prayer is performed with the Jamaat, you can spend it in tents, but it is better to give preference to the mosque.
  • It is necessary to remember Allah often, using Dhikr or Du'a for this.
  • When the sun passes its zenith (in the afternoon), it is necessary to hold a dinner prayer of zuhr and throw stones at all three Jamarats. Of course, do not forget about the praise of Allah through "Allahu Akbar", which should fall on every throw. It is also important to be peaceful, not to swear and not to fight with other pilgrims.
  • If a Muslim has such an opportunity, it is best to go to the city by transport, stopping until the evening at Masjid al-Haram, making Tawaf there. Of course, reading both obligatory and additional (optional) prayers.
  • If it is not possible to stay in Mina for all three days, then you can limit yourself to two if you pay attention to Al-Baqar (203): “Remember Allah in a matter of days (during the three days of tashrik). Whoever hurries and completes the rite in two days does not commit a sin. And whoever lingers, he also does not commit sin. This concerns the God-fearing. So fear Allah and know that to Him you will be gathered.”
For those who left the Mine a day earlier, it is necessary to throw stones into each of the three Jamarats on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah, after passing the zenith of the sun. After that, you should leave the Mine, and before sunset. Otherwise, it will be necessary to stay in Mina for the night again, until the 13th of Zul-Hiji. This rule does not apply only to those who could not leave the Mine for reasons beyond their control. For example, the formed traffic jam on the road did not allow to leave the territory before sunset. Accordingly, in this case, you do not need to stay overnight.

The Last Hajj Ritual

The last mandatory pillar is Tawaf al-Wada. Only women who have postpartum discharge or menstruation at that time can be exempted from it. After spending the night in Mina, you need to head to Mecca to perform the Tawaf rite around the Kaaba. This ritual is also called "farewell Tawaf), since it is the final rite of Hajj. As the Prophet himself said: “Let none of you leave (Mecca) until he performs the last rite at the House (Kaaba).” After performing this rite in the Blessed Mecca, the pilgrim can go home. The Hajj is considered completed and valid. Of course, if there were no violations on the part of a Muslim before.

Tips for passing the Hajj for the first time

Of course, not everyone is familiar with the intricacies of the Hajj, which is why there is some nervousness and excitement. Do not worry, there will always be people nearby who can prompt. However, we can give some tips for pilgrims:
  • If the Hajj program includes a visit to the holy city of Medina, then you should not recruit a Deputy in Mecca, it would be better to take it directly before leaving in Medina.
  • It is better to buy a Zam-zam in a packaged gift version, rather than in large volumes.
  • It is better not to take a large amount of water with you. Often, the volumes that pilgrims take with them simply do not come in handy, and the plane risks simply losing control when overloaded.
  • When purchasing a Sivak, it is worth paying attention to hermetically packed goods, in this case it will preserve the existing useful properties much better.
Such simple rules will allow you to comfortably conduct the Hajj.